Biodegradable Testing and Regulations

Biodegradable Testing and Regulations

After discussing with the CSIR, Sun Plastics has taken the initiative to pursue independent laboratory testing of its materials, making sure it meets international standards and complies with market regulations. South Africa doesn’t have any formal laws regarding biodegradable and compostable materials, however, the SA Plastics Pact which is a collaboration between the business, government […]

Barrier Film Plastic Packaging for Food Products

Barrier Film Plastic Packaging for Food Products: Issues vs Demand

The manufacturing of plastic products is consistently criticised due to its negative effects on the environment. If not managed correctly, the impact on natural systems could be huge. For example, the WWF Report (2018) on plastic pollution suggests that by the year 2050 there may be more plastic in the ocean than fish (microplastics and […]

Extended Producer Responsibility Levy

Extended Producer Responsibility Levy

The Extended Producer Responsibility levy (EPR) should be in full swing, which means that all the plastic packaging used in South Africa is being declared and levied according to government regulations. With the funds generated by this scheme, improvements will be made to waste management and recycling infrastructure which would also increase employment in this […]